Monday, December 31, 2007

Welcome to "My Digital Life"

So this is it. I have finally started a blog. First a little background about me. I have helped many people with computer related issues. I have worked on Internet and web problems, Mac computers, and PC-based systems. I specialize in coming to people’s homes and working on their machine. What I found was that I was always recommending the same types of things, so I thought a blog made sense. As I come across a valuable tip I will post it here. This is a place where my past customers can come and pick up some of the latest trends online or simply see what I am doing.

As a sample of what I mean I thought I would recommend a service that I have used for years. Netflix at is a great way to view movies and now with many TV shows on DVD it is a great way to sample new shows.

I am guessing that most people have heard of this by now...but if not go ahead and check it out.