Thursday, January 31, 2008

Listen to radio online

From Radio 365 you can listen to free radio on the web. 

Technology for Teachers

Here is an interesting site about technology for teachers.  It has some links and some powerpoint templates. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Superbowl Ads

Of course the best part of the big game is the ads (now that the Packers are out) - if you miss any of them you can check out this Superbowl Ad site that has replays.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Find a Vacation Home

Another tip from a friend led me to this site, which specializes in matching you with a vacation home around the country. It looks like a nice resource. It stands for "Vacation Rentals By Owner"

Friday, January 25, 2008

Microsoft Makes Billions (Of Course)

You might have heard of this little company called Microsoft. They now have the rights to start printing money! (I am kidding of course)

CD sales down again

CD sales are down again this past year, while digital downloads are way up. No surprise right? Actually I have never really understood the whole argument that piracy is the cause of the losses in the music industry. I would love to see a brave label start pricing downloads at 15 cents per track. Even if only as a test. It seems that the cost of a song via download is about what it costs on a CD, even though the shipping, packaging, and CD pressing costs are all eliminated. Why not pass some of that savings to the user instead of paying lawyers to sue your customers.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 - Listen to music online for free! is a place that you can listen to "streaming" music on the web. CBS bought them and has now cut deals with the music labels to allow them to stream popular music. It isn't a bad deal but I am not really sure how CBS expects to make money on it. Here is a link to the yahoo article.

TV on the web

The USA Today has a nice article about all of the places on the web that you can find TV shows. I find that I still can't get used to watching at my computer but this is just the first step. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pac Man

Check this out - you can play Pac Man online for free! 

Making it Stick

We have all wanted to do something at some point that required a degree of willpower. It might be losing weight or trying to save for a vacation. Sometimes we will use friends as motivators and sometimes you might make a deal with yourself, "if I lose 10 pounds by my friends wedding I will reward myself with a night out"

These are called commitment devices and I came across this service online that is also a commitment device. You simply enter your goal and then enter an amount of money. If you don't meet your goal your money is donated to charity, or to a friend, or whatever. Additionally, you can add friends to be informed of your progress to help cheer you on or to get on your case if you are falling off the wagon.
I haven't tried it myself but I think StickK is an interesting idea and might be the motivator that helps you achieve that elusive goal. Check it out!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Does the Writers Strike Even Matter?

If you haven't yet taken advantage of a TiVo or a DVR system you are really missing out. For those of you that don't know what I am talking about a DVR allows you to "time shift" programming. It is similar to a VCR however it is much smarter and easier to fast forward through commercials (or boring parts).
The first thought you might have when you get a DVR is "I think I will end up watching more TV" but in actuality the opposite is true. I find myself to be much more selective. My trusty DVR records the various programs and when it is time for me to sit down and watch TV I simply select what I want from the list.
This leads me to my topic of the day. The television and movie writers have been on strike now for some time and some programming has taken a hit. We have been inundated with reality programming, game shows, and repeats. I haven't really felt it much because I am simply watching the content on my DVR. Granted, I have less to choose from but really had many different version of CSI do we need? I actually kind of like it. I have caught up on some movies that were sitting on my shelf and sampled some programs (Life on NBC) that I had missed the first time around.
I am all for the writers getting their fair share but I have to wonder if they are shooting themselves in the foot. Over a period of time the networks are learning to live without them and viewers are finding their entertainment elseware. Oh well, maybe I will change my tune if this goes on through summer and starts impacting the movies...for now how can you beat youtube?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Should I buy Microsoft Vista?

There certainly has been a lot written about the current version of Windows. It has now been available for over a year and over 100 million copies have been sold. This, however, is a little misleading since over 250 million PC's have been sold in that time. 

While sites such as Bad Vista will tell you the problem with Vista is the copy protection (DRM) the reality is for the average user there just isn't a compelling reason to upgrade. 

Sure, if you are buying a new PC you can get Vista but I don't see a reason to run out to the store and get the new version. (I am still running XP on my PC) 

Here is a thought, if you need to learn a new operating system anyway, why not check out a Mac? 

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Gamefly is Netflix for video games

If you like Netflix for movies you might want to check out Gamefly for video games. You pay a monthly fee and you get video games delivered to your door for the Xbox, PSP, PS2, PS3, etc. 

It is more expensive than Netflix but then again video games tend to cost more than movies too. 

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Google Generation

For those of you that think the younger generation always knows the most about technology. Check out this article about the "Google Generation"

I do kind of like the ring of the "Google Generation" :)

Online Billpay

If you have never used yur banks online bill payment service you are missing out. It is very easy to schedule payments for your car, mortgage, and credit card to come directly from your bank account to the vendor. It is easy and in most cases it is free. If you are nervous about it ask your banker to demo it for you.

Many banks even offer a small cash bonus for signing up for billpay.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


I get asked many times, "how can I stop SPAM?" The short answer is that you really can't, however you can slow it down a bit. Here is a link to an article with some good suggestions on how you can reduce SPAM. 

The best way to slow down the spread is to protect your email. I keep an extra "dummy" account that I use for those pesky online forms that require an address. This way I can minimize the folks that get my "real" address. Unfortunately the more time that you have an address the harder it is to prevent it from falling into the hands of the spammers. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I was talking with a friend of mine today and she mentioned that she wanted to dispose of an old computer. 

Of course the problem is you can't just throw out the old machine.  A great resource is Freecycle.
It is the 2008 version of 'putting it out on the curb'

You start by searching for your local area and then registering. You can then post that you have a computer to give away. In most cases you will have several willing people within a day. 

You are helping someone out and reducing waste!

Free software

If you are looking for a place to get free software I really like 

They have software for Windows and Macs and much of it is free. Many times I will check it out to see what is the most popular piece of software for the month. This is a great way to learn something new. 

Monday, January 14, 2008

Should I Buy A Mac?

Many times I get asked what type of computer should I buy. Many folks don't consider a Mac because they are invested in the Windows environment.  However the newest Apple computers run on the same hardware that PC's run on. 

This is a nice safety net for those of you that are worried that you won't like the Mac OS. If you buy it you can always boot into the Windows environment. 

Of course Mac's usually cost a little more than a Windows PC, but they tend to be better equipped than the entry level machines you see in the Sunday newspaper ads. 

Check the Apple Store for the latest deals. 

Sunday, January 13, 2008


You may have seen the specialty printers that are designed with the specific idea of printing 4x6 prints. 

I actually received one for Christmas and it works very well. The prints are nice and it is pretty quick. I will say it isn't cheap (it ends up being about 30 cents per print) 

It is nice for those time when you would like a quick print, and since we no longer use our film camera it is nice to have that option. If you are looking for a cheap option you really can't beat Snapfish. They have decent prints and they come pretty quick via mail. 

If you want to try the mini-printer I have a Kodak that I like. It will really depend on your camera. Many popular cameras have a printer option. Here is an article from PC mag with some advice on printers. 

I don't view the mini-printer as a replacement for the trip to Walgreens or Snapfish...just a nice addition! 

Friday, January 11, 2008

Should I Buy Things Online?

A question I get regularly is, "is it safe to buy things online?"

The answer is that anything you do carries some risk but compared to other places that you shop, online is very safe. When you go to eat at a restaurant you hand your credit card over to a 16-year old waitress that disappears into the back to come back with your receipt. I would say it is fairly easy for your card number to be stolen. 

The good news is that the credit card companies are pretty good at spotting fraud and most of them only hold you accountable for a small amount. ($50) So the moral of the story is if you are going to shop online be sure to use a credit card (not a debit card) and print a copy of your receipt.

If you are looking at a great place to make your first online purchase you can always start with the grandaddy of them all at Amazon

I will warn you - once you is hard to stop! 

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Movie Trailers

I think Apple has the best site for movie trailers. It is clean simple interface and the trailers look great.


I am a big fan of audiobooks. I wanted to share a link to They offer several different plans which allow you to listen to audiobooks on your iPod or computer.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What Virus Protection Software Should I Use?

I get this question a lot when I work with customers. I surprise people when I tell them that virus protection is over-rated. First of all, we need to look at the "cost" of virus protection. I don't mean the actual dollar amount. (although that is a consideration) I mean the fact that you now have a program running on your system all of the time. This slows things down. (especially with older systems)

Now for a moment consider the risk. If you are running a major business with thousands of very proprietary documents a virus might be something that could cost you a considerable amount of money. However, for average Joe User that isn't the case. Here is my recommendation for keeping your computer safe.

1. Get a hardware router (most people already have one)
2. Be cautious about the sites you visit. If you visit gambling sites, file sharing, or other nefarious sites you increase your risk of contamination.
3. Once a year do a complete re-install of your system. Back everything up completely and "start over" - (I can help you with this by the way and your system will feel faster)
4. If you must have virus protection check out
AVG (it is free) or Microsoft's onecare - both of these run faster than Norton and Mcafee

Virus' are overblown in most cases. Your system is much more likly to get fried in an electrical storm.

I hope that helps! :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Funny Video Clip

This has been a popular video on the web. It makes me laugh - but then again I am a Will Farrell fan!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Problems with Best Buy service

I was working with a friend/customer over the weekend that told me about a recent experience with Best Buy. Now as a general rule I am indifferent about the "big box" stores. They typically provide decent prices with very little service. Sometimes you get lucky and work with a knowledgeable person but for the most part the geek squad provides me with with new customers! I simply provide better service. 

Anyway, the story goes that this person had the VGA (monitor) connection cracked off of her machine. So she couldn't connect her monitor. She brought it in and was told that  a $250 down payment was required which could be applied to any repair cost. It was clear that the motherboard would need to be replaced upon drop off but instead Best Buy took the $250 and told my friend that she would get a call. Upon her return she was told it would cost an additional $300+ to replace the board. At this point she "cut bait" - but much to her frustration Best Buy would not refund the $250. 

Now I am sure Best Buy has a policy and she probably signed something but this is the kind of thing that people remember and gets told to friends and neighbors and, in this case, blogged about. 

So the moral of the story is be careful about tech repairs (especially with computers) and take a look at what the replacement cost is before you pay anything for a repair. Oh, and by the way, you can always call me. 

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Wireless Networks

One of the most common questions I hear from my friends, family, and customers is, "how can I set up a wireless network?"

It isn't as hard as you think and this link from Microsoft has some info on it;

Of course I am always willing to help you... and once you have it up it is a great convenience! 

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Help with Computers

Here is a link to a site that offers several step by step tutorials on common tasks. Things such as deleting cookies in your browser or setting a new home page. 

Friday, January 4, 2008

Find Inexpensive Hotels on the Web

My wife and I are going to New York this spring for a short vacation. (no kids) – Anyway, a friend encouraged me to check out as a place to find hotels that are 50% off. I had never used it and I have to admit I was a little skeptical. The trick is when you go to the site you need to find the link that says “Name Your Own Price” and “bid” on your hotel. Once you do this you are taken to a screen where you input your details. (where you are going, times, they type of hotel you would like, etc)

Then, Priceline takes your credit card number before bidding. You enter in how much you want to pay. (I entered in $160 for a $329 hotel) and if they find a service at the price you set, the transaction is billed to your account. No refunds.

To take it a step further this website has info on what others have bid so you can get a sense for what might be accepted.

Anyway you look at it this is a great way to save some money traveling!

Thursday, January 3, 2008


For those of you that have already bought iPhones you aren't alone. This article in the USA Today looks at the impact; 

We have already seen touch screens become more popular in handheld devices in 2007.

Netflix - Next Act

I wrote about my love of Netflix below - but here is their "next act"

This box will allow you to rent movies on your computer and stream them to your TV via a box. I am not sure if this is really much better than "pay per view" - but we will have to see. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Have you every used a "newsreader" application? It is a great way to easily visit several sites at once. You can then visit the "reader" and it collects stories from several websites, blogs. I currently use Google Newsreader at 
You can set up the reader to check this blog! When I have new content it will show up and you can read the content. It is free too!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Movie Trailers

One of my favorite things to check out on the web are movie trailers. This is a great site for trailers. You can check it out at Apple's trailer site. 

Also a great way to check your system's speed and your internet connection.